Company News

Peter Singer Joins Newly Appointed VegTech Invest Thought Leadership Council

Renowned author Peter Singer has joined a Thought Leadership Council newly appointed by the plant-based Innovation EATV ETF VegTech Invest.

Peter Singer, Professor of Bioethics at the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University and recipient of the Berggruen Prize for Philosophy and Culture, first became well-known internationally after the publication of Animal Liberation in 1975. In 2011, Time included Animal Liberation on its “All-TIME” list of the 100 best nonfiction books published in English since the magazine began in 1923.

He has written, co-authored, edited or co-edited more than 50 books, and his writings have been translated into more than 30 languages.  The Most Good You Can Do: How Effective Altruism Is Changing Ideas About Living Ethically, The Life You Can Save, Practical Ethics, The Expanding Circle, How Are We to Live?, Rethinking Life and Death, Pushing Time Away; Ethics in the Real World, and Why Vegan? represent only some of his important works.

Photographer: Daryl Charles for ACCI

“I am happy to be a part of the VegTech™ Invest Thought Leadership Council.  The VegTech™ ETF EATV gives people an option to invest in the companies that are innovating to replace animals from the supply chain and it is time that the financial markets have this kind of product for people, the planet and animals,” shared Thought Leadership Council member and renowned author, Peter Singer.

The council comprises six experts spanning Ethics, Environmental Justice, Venture Investing, Product Brand Strategy, Next Gen Leadership and Health.

The rest of the panel consists of:

  • Environmental Justice: Professor Jason Scorse, Chair of the International Environmental Policy Program and Director of the Center for the Blue Economy, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey
  • Alternatives Investing: Sharyn Murray, Investment Engagement Manager, The Good Food Institute*
  • Food & Beverage Strategist: Barb Stuckey, Chief Innovation and Marketing Officer, Mattson and Author of Taste
  • Health: Dr. Maha Tahiri, CEO and Founder of Nutrition Sustainability Strategies LLC
  • Next Gen Leadership: Abbey Schmitt, MBA Candidate, Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Business

“Fund Manager Dr. Sasha Goodman and I have our heads down in the markets, nose to the grindstone.  We want to surround ourselves with experts who can brief us on the advancements in their sectors that might help to inform our work with EATV as the global food supply system shifts,” says CEO Elysabeth Alfano.  “We are grateful for their expertise and thought leadership in their diverse and varied fields.”

“Finance is a creative and dynamic industry.  Much like the food industry, it touches every aspect of society.  Our experts keep us up to date on what they are seeing and experiencing in their fields, and we use this information to keep our work on the cutting edge,” says Dr. Goodman.

**For informational purposes only.

