Company News

TheVeganKind: British Vegan Couple Makes Millions in Annual Sales

Karris and Scott McCulloch, a British vegan couple from Glasgow, sell vegan food, cosmetics and other items through their home business “TheVeganKind”. With an annual turnover of £2 million, they are one of the fastest growing vegan companies in the UK.

The couple started their home business “TheVeganKind” in 2013, after trying in vain to find vegan ingredients on the high street. As the demand for vegan products and food is constantly increasing, their business has been booming and the small company has upgraded its warehouse three times to cater for the growing demand. Karris and Scott now employ eleven people and ship more than 9,000 orders per month. In order to fully concentrate on their flourishing business, the two have even given up their top-class jobs in finance.

Vegan subscription box service

Karris said she came across the idea of the vegan subscription box service as an online business while shopping for vegan food and cosmetics. When the couple founded the company five years ago, the number of orders grew rapidly and required the couple – who have two children – to work several hours a night to process orders from all over the world.

In 2016, they further expanded their business with the introduction of “TheVeganKind Supermarket”. Besides the original Lifestyle and Beauty boxes, TheVeganKind now has an online shop selling numerous plant-based foods and products, such as vegan cosmetics, whose popularity is also growing steadily in Germany.

Due to the business’s constant growth, the entrepreneurial couple have even opened a new location and moved to a 10,000 square meter warehouse – previously, the couple had to relocate twice for capacity reasons.


“TheVeganKind” is popular with millions of British and international vegans, and as the trend continues to grow, Karris and Scott see it as their duty to meet the growing demand for their products. The concept is based on Karris’ origins. She grew up on the Scottish island of Arran, which strongly influenced her path towards vegetarianism and veganism.

“I grew up in a remote area, surrounded by sheep and cows grazing in the fields where I played. I loved animals so much from an early age that it was natural for me when I decided not to eat them anymore,” says Karris.

Because of her guilty conscience about the animals and their suffering, Karris tried to adopt a vegetarian way of life, since veganism initially seemed too “extreme”. Scott was a meat-eater at first, but was influenced by Karris’ passion for vegetarianism and gradually discovered the hidden truths about the meat and dairy industry. Both have now decided to follow a vegan lifestyle. They are also bringing up their children based on their ethical principles.

