Yo-Egg Receives FABI Innovation Awards, Sunny-Side-Up Egg Named a “Top 8” Product

Plant-based egg company Yo Egg announces it has received two of the National Restaurant Association’s 2023 Food and Beverage (FABI) Awards, for the “world’s first and only” plant-based poached egg and sunny-side-up eggs. In addition, the Yo Sunny Side Up egg was selected as one of eight “FABI Favorites”, and will be featured onstage at this year’s NRA show in Chicago.  The FABI Awards recognizes the most forward-thinking and creative tastes that are helping to drive trends and expand menu offerings across the US.  According to Yo Egg, its products feature a runny yolk and real chicken egg taste, which the brand says other egg alternatives currently don’t offer. Made from non-GMO ingredients that include chickpea and soy, Yo Egg recently launched on restaurant menus … Continue reading Yo-Egg Receives FABI Innovation Awards, Sunny-Side-Up Egg Named a “Top 8” Product