After last year’s launch of a cultivated lamb prototype, Melbourne-based agrifood company Magic Valley announces the successful development of a cultivated premium pork product showcased in filled dumplings.
“… our products will be much cheaper than traditional alternatives”
Magic Valley’s lamb and pork prototypes are said to be developed “completely free” of fetal bovine serum (FBS) with the company’s signature breakthrough technology, unlocking an ethical and sustainable way of producing meat.

Cultivated pork milestone
In a released statement, Paul Bevan, founder and CEO of Magic Valley, said he was thrilled to achieve this significant milestone for Australia’s alternative protein industry to support the UN with its goals to feed the world’s growing population.
“The global cultivated meat market is set to reach $630 billion by 2040, giving Australia enormous opportunity to contribute to this burgeoning industry that is aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
“So, with both the need and desire for new forms of protein, and the global economic opportunity growing exponentially, our newest cultivated pork milestone puts Magic Valley in good stead to capture a sizable market share to feed future generations,” Bevan said.

Our pork will be much cheaper
After taking cells from a living pig, the agrifood’s production process involves cultivating pork with its signature technology that enables cells to grow infinitely into either muscle or fat. It is faster and more reliable than other existing methods, explains the company, adding that it uses a mixture of amino acids and other nutrients to feed the cells instead of FBS.
Magic Valley’s technology is scalable across all different types of meats, not just pork and lamb. Next on the menu for Magic Valley is cultivated beef, with its sights set on regulation by 2024.
“Our cultivated pork products provide the exact same flavour experience for consumers that enjoy traditionally farmed pork. It is an ethical and sustainable solution and at scale, our products will be much cheaper than traditional alternatives” he added.

Global need for alternative proteins
Other companies worldwide developing cultivated pork include:
- UK-based 3D Bio-Tissues (3DBT): Recently claimed to have successfully developed the “world’s first” 100% cultivated meat (pork) steak.
- Czech startup Mewery: Revealed a prototype made using microalgae in February.
- US startup Fork & Good: Recently showcased its cultivated ground pork product in dumplings and tacos.
- Dutch company Meatable: Announced a partnership with Esco Aster to begin the production of cultivated pork products in mid-2022.
- US startup Novel Farms: Revealed what it said to be the world’s first marbled cultivated pork loin in mid-2022.
- Chinese startup Future Food: Showcased what it claimed to be the country’s ever-cultivated pork belly at the New Technology Conference in Nanjing in 2022.
- Israeli startup Steakholder Foods (MeaTech 3D): revealed plans to develop cultivated pork back in 2021.
- UK Ivy Farm Technologies: Aims to become the first commercial producer of sustainable, cultured meat in the UK, producing pork sausages.
“The global need for alternative proteins to meet the demands of the growing population is imperative as we take that journey to achieving net-zero, steering clear of traditional ways of consuming meat for ethical and environmental reasons, stated Bevan.
Magic Valley is among the ten startups selected for the latest cohort of the SVG Ventures | Thrive APAC Accelerator program.