Fairs & Events

ILS Launches 4th International Conference to Share Scientific Knowledge on Legumes

International Legume Society (ILS), a global hub of information and exchange on legume research and exploitation, announces the 4th International Legume Society Conference. The event, which aims to promote legumes as sustainable and healthier food and feed, will gather researchers and stakeholders for knowledge exchange on the cultivation and use of grain and forage legumes.

This year’s conference will take place in Granda, Spain, from the 19th to the 22nd of September, 2023. It follows previous knowledge encounters held in Novi Sad (2013), Tróia (2016), and Poznań (2019). Last year, the ISL launched a series of public webinars on topics related to legume cultivation and improvement.

The 4th International Legume Society Flyer

Legume experts

The event is organized in collaboration with the University of Granada, the Health Science Technological Park, and the presence of research Institutes from CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas).

The conference will cover different topics related to legume cultivation:

  • Legume-based value chains: innovation and optimization.
  • Legume-based cropping systems: performance, ecosystem services, and profitability
  • Legumes for human and animal nutrition and health
  • Legume biodiversity and genetic resource exploitation
  • Genetics and omics-based legume crop improvement
  • Legume breeding: challenges, tools, strategies, and achievements
  • Legume physiology, biochemistry, and systems biology
  • Beneficial legume plant-microbe interactions
  • Understanding and enhancing legume crop tolerance to abiotic stresses
  • Understanding and enhancing legume crop tolerance to biotic stresses

    A range of different legumes
    © Equinom

Science-driven socio-economic change

The workshop, International Legume Root Disease, will also launch as a satellite meeting of the ILS4 on the 18th of September. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Lethbridge Research and Development Centre; and the Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan, will jointly organize the workshop. 

“We hope this conference will provide a great opportunity for getting back to physical meetings as we used to live in the pre-covid19 age, with a vision for innovation and science-driven socio-economic change that is increasingly needed for more sustainable human development. We hope that you will enjoy not only the scientific program but also the Andalusian hospitality and the social activities that we will organize, to offer you an unforgettable stay in the beautiful city of Granada,” says ILS.

Visit the conference website for more information: https://ilsgranada2023.com

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