Perfect Day, now describing itself as a producer of whey from fermentation, rather than a producer of animal-free whey, announces a partnership with sports supplements brand Unico Nutrition to launch what they claim is the first-ever hybrid protein powder, Apollo II.
The new product — not vegan — is a hybrid version of Unico Nutrition’s best-selling protein powder. Its unique formula combines grass-fed milk protein, egg white, and sustainable whey made from fermentation, explains Perfect Day.
“This first-of-its-kind hybrid product, combining the best of traditional dairy and our dairy from fermentation, marks an exciting new chapter in how we are extending our kinder, greener impact. Unico’s Apollo II brings to life what’s possible when you are deeply committed to collaboration,” says Paul Vraciu, head of commercial at Perfect Day.

Expanding client portfolio
Perfect Day argues that the new hybrid product represents an opportunity to introduce its novel proteins to consumers through a product that “they know and love.” Additionally, the company explains that through this collaboration it plans to promote its sustainable ingredients business and open conversations with companies looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
“We’re thrilled that we continue to find new ways to empower our B2B partners to meet the demands of their consumers without compromise,” adds Vraciu.
This sustainability trend is leading to a new generation of hybrid products that are not 100% animal-free or 100% animal — “A new chapter in how we are extending our kinder, greener impact,” as Vraciu said.

Moving away from animal-free messaging
At vegconomist, we noticed that the Apollo package says ‘made by Perfect Day’ on the left upper corner, omitting the wording ‘animal-free protein,’ which is used in many other products such as Bored Cow’ milk, Brave Robot’ ice cream or Nestle’s Cowabunga. Instead, it says ‘more sustainable.’
Perfect Day has argued before that the term ‘animal-free’ for precision fermentation-derived proteins is confusing. In the statement, Perfect Day used the phrase ‘whey protein from fermentation,’ showing that the company is moving away from its previous animal-free messaging.

New focus as B2B supplier
Perfect Day announced plans to sell off its CPG business, The Urgent Company, to focus on only as a supplier B2B of sustainable whey protein from fermentation, reports AFN.
Founded in 2020, The Urgent Company is a B2C company that has launched a series of animal-free dairy brands featuring Perfect Day’s ingredients in CPG. The brands include Brave Robot, which sells ice cream; Modern Kitchen, selling cream cheese; California Performance Co, sports nutrition products; and its latest acquisition Coolhaus, which offers two flavors of animal-free ice cream sandwiches.
These brands have introduced precision fermentation proteins in the market and have raised the interest of companies in alternatives to make sustainable or animal-free products, such as the new Apollo protein powder.
“We chose to include Perfect Day’s ingredient in our flagship protein line because we believe that we have a responsibility to our customers, and to our planet, to be as ecologically efficient as we can – our goal is to consume the least amount of resources as possible in the production of our product, while still retaining its quality,” said Lance Herrington, founder and CEO of Unico Nutrition.