Food & Beverage

Impossible Burger Passes FDA Approval for Human Consumption

The main ingredient contained in the Impossible Burger, a clean meat product created by Impossible Foods, has finally been officially approved by the Food and Drugs Association of the US.

The clean meat burger which “bleeds” and is designed to sizzle, smell and taste like beef, is comprised of an ingredient known as “heme” which is a cell found inside a plant and inside the muscle tissue of an animal. This key ingredient is otherwise known as soy leghemoglobin, and had been previously under review as a potential allergen.

The FDA said in a statement that it “does not have any questions at this time about the company’s conclusion that soy leghemoglobin is GRAS under the intended conditions of use (in the company’s cooked ready-to-eat vegetarian products emulating ground beef, such as its plant-based Impossible Burger) and therefore does not require premarket review as a food additive. It is important to note that the safety standard for food additives and GRAS substances is the same — reasonable certainty of no harm.”

The Impossible Burger has seen huge success with both herbivores and omnivores and is widely available across the US. Impossible Foods recently forged a partnership deal with the White Castle burger chain and is also available at Umami burger restaurants. It was first made available in upscale restaurant Momofuku Nishi which sells $39 steak and $62 lobster dishes.

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