Food & Beverage

Kerry Publishes Virtual Toolkit For Plant-based Dairy Alternatives

Kerry Group has developed and released a plant-based dairy alternatives toolkit. This virtual toolkit is designed to give innovators, initially in the US only, the simple, scalable and sustainable solutions they need to accelerate their plant-based food and beverage product development and growth prospects.

Kerry‘s toolkit offers innovators a number of benefits: a research-based checklist for building your brand, information on the five key considerations in product development, guides to help product developers create consumer-friendly taste experiences, and tips for formulating with exciting flavours that build consumer loyalty and drive repeat purchases. Importantly, it also mentions scientifically-backed digestive and immune-boosting ingredients that can successfully differentiate a product from the competition. A series of videos will feature plant-based insights from Kerry experts – from taste researchers and sensory scientists to dairy formulators, marketers and sustainability officers, all of whom have extensive experience in product development and innovation and can help new products and brands shorten their path to commercial success.

smoothie Kerry Group
© Kerry Group

Developing a plant-based product starts with answering questions on a variety of topics and the Plant-Based Product Toolkit Checklist provides a roadmap for developers to ask the right questions and accelerate a product’s innovation journey. What flavours and texture should the new product have? What about claims, nutritional values and local and international regulations? These and other important product questions are answered by Kerry’s food scientists and application experts to provide clear and experienced support to customers as they tackle plant-based challenges.

Commenting on the release of the toolkit, Elizabeth Horvath, Vice President of Marketing at Kerry North America, says: “Emerging and innovative plant-based brands and products need straightforward expert support, a roadmap for scalability and a focus on sustainability – which is important to 75% of consumers in this category, according to Kerry’s own 2021 research. Kerry’s new plant-based dairy alternatives toolkit provides a great jump-start on the road to success. The brand identity is yours and Kerry will help you increase the product’s market appeal through simple solutions and expert suggestions that are easy to implement, scalable and sustainable.”

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