Milk- and Dairy Alternatives

“We Flatten Milk”: Veganz Commences Production of “Mililk” Printed Oat Milk Discs

Veganz has begun production of its new innovative printed plant-based milk Mililk at its new production site in Ludwigsfelde, Germany.

In a 2D printing process, an oat milk alternative is first printed as a sheet in DIN A4 size. 10 of these DIN A4 sheets make 10 litres of oat milk, which can then be sent by post.

With the fun tagline, “Flat, Tasty, Cheap. Veganz Mililk®: We flatten milk”, the publicly listed company says, “The delicious milk alternative avoids 90% packaging waste and gives you plenty of space in the warehouse. We simply flatten the milk by printing oats in sheet form on a 2D printer. You then rip off as much of the leaf as you need and toss it in the blender with water. After 30 seconds you have your fresh milk alternative.”

Veganz printed milk discs
Image: Jan Bredack on LinkedIn

Uber sustainable

Last December, Veganz secured a license from Vitiprints LLC for the unique patented printing process allowing the production of printed oat, almond, soy, and other milk alternatives. At home or in the catering trade, mixed with water, the result is an oat milk of barista quality. Thanks to the sustainable printing process, the company says this saves about 88% packaging materials/storage volume and at least 80% weight, which has a positive effect on the CO2 balance.

At the same time, the product has a much longer shelf life and can be portioned well to suit individual needs, which is intended to counteract food waste. The product is clean label, without added sugar, and is gluten-free. Mililk is already being used in professional football by multiple DFB Cup winners RB Leipzig. The delivery of the first orders for end consumers will take place from 14.8.2023.

Mililk lifestyle shot
© Veganz

Horeca customers can already order the product online after registration and will receive it delivered. The retail launch is planned for Q4.

“In less than 12 months, we have passionately brought an innovative product to market, with which we will once again change the food industry for good. Our focus here: love for the climate, because that’s what the product pays off to the maximum,” says Veganz CEO Jan Bredack.

“Soon we will send 10l Mililk®️ Barista by post in an envelope to your home or office.”

More information at and

