The vegan restaurant guide “vanilla bean” is launching a new app in France, in collaboration with the French animal rights organisation L214 Éthique&Animaux. The free vanilla bean app will be available from Apple’s App Store and Google Play in France, enabling users to find over 1,000 vegan-friendly locations in France, as well as more in Germany, the US, the UK and beyond.
Award-winning restaurant guide vanilla bean and French non-profit organization L214 Éthique & Animaux have teamed up to launch a vegan restaurant guide app in France. The app lists over 1,000 vegan-friendly restaurants and cafes in France, and tens of thousands more worldwide. L214 itself has a successful vegan restaurant guide, VegOresto, but currently only a desktop version is available. The joint launch comes at a time when meat consumption is declining everywhere.
“More and more people in France – contrary to their traditions – are abandoning
meat and dairy products for the sake of their health, the environment and animal welfare. vanilla bean makes it easier for conscious consumers to eat plant-based and sustainable foods on the move,” says Fabian Kreipl, co-founder and CEO of vanilla bean.
According to a study by the Xerfi research institute, around thirty percent of French consumers are already trying to reduce their meat consumption. In addition, the availability of plant-based alternatives has increased significantly since 2016. “A large part of this shift towards an animal and environmentally friendly diet is due to L214’s efforts. We are proud to work with them,” says Kreipl. vanilla bean is not just aimed at vegans and so-called flexitarians – it also indicates which restaurants offer gluten-free or raw foods, and whether regional, organic or Fairtrade ingredients are used.
Find more information about apps you can use to coordinate and organize vegan meals here.