Food & Beverage

VBites & Suma: Collaboration on Vegan Camping Food

The vegan food giants VBites and Suma are joining forces to create the “Ultimate vegan camping meal” with “Beans and Burgers”.

The plant-based brand VBites is owned by sportswoman and entrepreneur Heather Mills. The company is known for products such as its vegan fish and chips, which are available at the British pub and restaurant chain Greene King Flaming Grill.

Suma is Britain’s largest worker cooperative and supplier of vegetarian dishes and foods. It is known in the vegan scene for its plant-based sausages – which are becoming increasingly popular in the UK – and canned beans.

Initially only available in Great Britain

In an announcement to Plant Based News, the company said: “We are pleased to announce the launch of Suma’s canned beans and mini-VBites burgers, following the great success of canned Suma beans with mini-VBites sausages.”

The new product will be available on the shelves of health food stores and independent retailers throughout the country from July 1st. This is another plant-based alternative for the growing British vegan population.

“Made to Suma’s own recipe, the beans and burgers are supplied in a tomato sauce with herbs and spices and are 100 percent vegan. Quickly prepared and enriched with protein, they are a must for every camping trip or for a quick, tasty snack,” the announcement says.

