Tokyo-based food tech Dr. FOODS Inc., a publicly listed corporation on the OTC Market in the USA under the ticker symbol “DRFS”, counting Next Meats Co as a subsidiary, revealed in January its plans to launch vegan fois gras and vegan caviar into the North American market.
In April, the company stated it had successfully developed “the world’s first plant-based cultured foie gras“. Although the title of first cultivated foie gras likely belongs to France’s GOURMEY, the distinction lies in the fact that the Japanese product is not created from cultured animal cells, but uses the name “cultured foie gras” since “microorganisms are cultured in the manufacturing process. In the future, the company intends to expand into the boundary area between plant-derived meat and cultured meat,” explains Nikkei Biotech.
Today Dr Foods announces its vegan foie gras and vegan caviar will be showcased at 28 wedding halls and hotel restaurants managed by Nihon Ceremony Co., Ltd. from September 1st, 2023, encompassing a total of approximately 160,000 servings.
NEXT MEATS, the first Japanese plant-based company to receive a listing on the American OTC market, offers a range of over 30 plant-based products, including the “world’s first” plant-based Short-Rib and Skirt-Steak. The CEO of NEXT MEATS, Koichi Ishizuka, has expressed a desire for faster business development to address global environmental concerns.
Nihon Ceremony, which operates the wedding venues, is a company known for its early dedication to environmental improvement and has recognized the urgency to explore alternative ingredients. By offering these environmentally-friendly delicacies, Nihon Ceremony aims to create a synergy between ecological consciousness and celebratory occasions.
By the end of the year, Dr. Foods plans an expansion in its lineup of entirely plant-based alternatives, targeting high-end ingredients once considered elusive or difficult to acquire in everyday life.