Gastronomy & Food Service

Pea Protein Becoming Popular in Bakery Products

Consumer demand for healthier and sustainable food options are turning manufacturers in the bakery segment towards pea protein products, reports Baking Business.

Bakery products are generally not considered to be healthy, but by using pea protein, producers are able to introduce new options with higher protein levels. Pea protein can also replace common allergens, such as wheat, dairy, egg, and soy. Pea protein is available at the market in several forms, including isolates, concentrates, and flours.

Pea protein’s 25% protein content is higher than wheat and rice proteins (13% and 7% respectively), and although not as high as the protein content of soy (34%), experts say pea protein production is also more sustainable than soy.

“The use of pea protein over other plant-based and animal proteins has significant advantages in three key areas: arable land protein yield, water usage and energy consumption,” Said Frank Truong, general manager at pea and chicory root manufacturer Cosucra. “Is the brand’s strategy trying to appeal to a more sustainable story? If so, then there are a lot of attributes around why pea protein would be top on a priority list.”

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