
PLNT: “We Believe That a Healthier Life and a Healthier Planet Are the Foundation For Our Future”

Developed and prepared by butchers in the Netherlands, PLNT is creating plant-based products especially for lovers of meat and fish. “Our butchers know exactly what we like in a good cut of meat or fish,” says the young brand, part of the Future Food Group.

We caught up with the founders of PLNT, headed by Anton Bal, an experienced butcher and commercial director in the world of alt protein.

Who is PLNT and what does the company stand for?
PLNT is a relatively new brand with origin in the Netherlands. We offer delicious 100% plant-based successors for (future) flexitarians, who like meat & fish but consciously choose a day without it. Made of natural ingredients, full of the daily required nutrients, healthier and more sustainable. With the same texture and mouth-feel as the original. We aim for the ultimate taste sensation with the best quality.

PLNT mince beef

What are PLNT’s offerings for the plant-based sector?
We offer an extensive range of plant-based meat & fish successors like (marinated) chicken and beef pieces, bacon pieces but also fishburgers and sausages. We deliver via retailers and food-service customers.

What are your latest innovations in the plant-based sector?
As a company, we are devoted to innovation, with a team of taste innovators.

New in the assortment are our fish successors like tuna and salmon that are enriched with Omega 3. We believe that expanding our range with plant-based fish makes our offer relevant for even more people that choose plant-based as an option for their menu.


In general, we have managed to extract methylcellulose from our meat successors structures (like beef and chicken), and follow all the latest innovations in the field of new alternative proteins.

Why should customers opt for products from PLNT?
We love life and our planet. We believe that a healthier life and a healthier planet are the foundation for our future. That is why we invest in the best combination of sustainability, good nutritional values ánd great taste. We really want to ensure that professionals and consumers who give our meat & fish successors a chance have a good experience. And that they are convinced to eat more plant-based.

That is why we can say that PLNT is good for today, the best for tomorrow.

What about sustainability?
We produce in the most sustainable way in our (BREEAM Outstanding) plant that reuses the energy from water waste streams and uses solar panels. Moreover, we work together with partners who care about a better world. A good example is one of our most important ingredients: soy.


Many other meat- and fish alternatives use soy from far away, usually from South America or Asia. One of the concerns with using soy from these regions is deforestation. That is why PLNT uses European soy which is produced sustainably. Our supplier in Austria has perfected the processing of soy and of using every part of the bean to create zero waste. They use energy that is only from 100% sustainable sources such as the Salauer Mühlbach river next to the mill. Their quality promise is to produce only GMO-free, sustainable, 100 % natural soy-based food ingredients free of any chemicals.

Where can interested parties meet PLNT in person this year?
We will be present at all international and leading trade shows. Next up is SIAL in Paris. Here we present our concepts and products to both professionals and regular consumers who can taste our meat & fish successors and get inspired by our team!

