Market & Trends

Survey Reveals Top Countries & Cities in the World for Veganism in Our Post COVID World

Chef’s Pencil has once again compiled data from Google Trends regarding the popularity of veganism in different countries and cities in the world, stating that interest is “at an all-time high, surpassing the prior all-time high registered in 2019” and that “veganism is now twice as popular as it was just five years ago“.

It is highly interesting to see how the markets have changed since the impact of COVID around the world and how it has influenced consumers to increase their plantbased foods and decrease their meat intake. Click here to read previous findings by Chef’s Pencil and compare them to 2020.

Also what is interesting to note is that the Google Trends analysis included all search categories related to veganism, to include all related searches in all global languages. As well as revealing the updated list of best vegan countries, Chef’s Pencil also analysed the best cities in the world in terms of popularity scores based on Google searches. The top five cities in the world were shown to be:

1 – Bristol, 2 – Portland, 3 – Edinburgh, 4 – London, and 5 – Amsterdam.

Read the rest here.

Bristol @nataschahawke

Top 10 Vegan Countries in 2020

1. United Kingdom

Home of some of our most loved brands including The Vurger, One Planet Pizza, Meatless Farm, and countless others. It was shown that during lockdown this spring, vegan alternatives became increasingly popular in the UK, with one in 5 UK consumers reducing meat consumption, and a statistic from Finder showing that 39% of Britons plan to further reduce their meat consumption after the crisis.

In June, it was revealed by Mintel that aquarter of British millennials reported that COVID-19 made a vegan diet more appealing.

2. Australia        

The third fastest growing plantbased market, home to emerging brands such as Fenn Foods – producer of a plantbased carbon neutral mince, Fable, and Made With Plants to name a few. Convenience store chain 7-11 even sells a range of vegan sandwiches in Australia.

Carbon Neutral Plant Based Mince(1)
©Fenn Foods

3. Israel 

Most definitely the biotech home for many of the foodtech brands creating the future of our food system. Remilk is rethinking the concept of milk; SavorEat is creating a new generation of meat, and Yemoja is producing algae on a large scale in order to address the need for sustainable proteins. Enter Israel into our search bar to see many more.

4. Austria

An emerging market which was not on the previous top ten. According to the report, 1.2% of the population live a vegan life in Austria.

5. New Zealand

This meat-loving country is also a nature-loving nation, and consumers here are gradually realising the benefits of plantbased and are decreasing meat intake. Most notably, Sunfed Meats debuted their vegan beef and bacon to an audience of committed meat-eaters at Meatfest last year, and incredibly, theirs was the most popular stand at the entire festival.

Sunfed Foods Meatstock
Meatstock ©Sunfed Foods

6. Germany, 7. Sweden, 8. Switzerland, 9. Canada, 10. Ireland

