Marketing & Media

Advertising Campaign by HARi&Co is Helping the French Give Up Their “Addiction” to Meat

HARi&Co, a French startup offering plant-based alternatives, recently launched a communication campaign on social networks to help the French give up meat. The accompanying website and posters with a “fake” toll-free number were even created for the occasion to help French people addicted to meat.

Following this campaign, Emmanuel Brehier, co-founder of HARi&Co, explains: “The initiative was actually an awareness-raising operation to raise awareness. Fortunately, meat is not an addiction comparable to tobacco or alcohol and we don’t need a device to fight its addiction.”

Before continuing: “But, with 86 kg of meat consumed on average per French person per year, our society is still addicted to meat products. It’s time to act and to realise that reducing meat consumption is the first simple thing we can do to limit our impact on the environment.

© HARi&Co

The campaign aims to raise awareness among French people and politicians, since, despite some progress following the Climate Law, the transition to a more plant-based diet is moving far too slowly. This is why HARi&Co has created the slogan “Meat, for the planet, I’m putting the brakes on!”

HARi&Co suggests that the French should reduce their meat consumption and turn to plant-based alternatives, for example with the brand’s plant-based meatballs and patties.

The products are sold in supermarkets but are also consumed in some school canteens and university restaurants. In order to provide protein-rich vegetable alternatives, HARi&Co’s products are made from lentils, chickpeas or kidney beans.

Hari & Co
© HARi&Co

All of the pulses used are produced in France. This year, HARi&Co wants to create its own organic legume chain in partnership with local farmers in the Rhône-Alpes region. The aim is to pay farmers fairly, to have raw material close to the production workshops and to create a sustainable agricultural model that is good for the environment.

In order to help partner farmers get started, a participatory funding campaign has recently been created and interested contributors still have 10 days to participate. The funds raised will help initiate this project by helping farmers finance their first lentil and chickpea seeds.

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