Marketing & Media

Pink-Floyd’s The Wall Artist Designs TV Ad For Vegan Chocolate

The legendary English illustrator Gerald Scarfe, world-famous for the Pink-Floyd cover of The Wall, has created a TV spot for vegan sweets brand Katjes, to promote Chocjes – the first vegan chocolate made completely with oat milk. According to the advertising agency responsible for the campaign, the issue is something close to Scarfe’s heart.

To introduce this sustainable and animal-friendly alternative, Katjes has launched a nationwide campaign under the motto “Cool without a cow”. The Berlin creative agency antoni is responsible for the campaign with the Hashtag #achtemaldrauf and for the packaging design.

Gerald Scarfe was chosen for the campaign and provides its unmistakable – in the food industry unseen – look. The TV spot takes a critical look at the mass livestock farming of cows. And at the same time it shows the solution: oats. This is the most sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative of all vegetable milk substitutes. And thus also good for dairy cows. A matter close to Scarfe’s heart, who did not want to miss the opportunity to draw the elaborately designed spot himself.

“With Chocjes we are entering a new category and strengthening our claim to create something big. Katjes is thus serving a growing market of consumers who are looking for an alternative to cow’s milk,” says Tobias Bachmüller, managing partner of Katjes Fassin. “With Chocjes, any change can be part of it. That pleases the palate and animal welfare.”

“Gerald Scarfe is a man of conviction. He was enthusiastic about the idea – otherwise he would not have drawn a line,” says Martin Pross, Managing Director Creation at antoni.

The 15-second TV spot can be seen on all TV stations in Germany and can also be seen on YouTube here for viewers outside of Germany.

