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Politics & Law

APA: Plant-Based Labelling Restrictions Are Targeting a “Problem That Doesn’t Exist”

A report by the Alternative Proteins Association (APA) has argued that plant-based labelling restrictions will make life harder, not easier, for British consumers. As lobbyists for the meat and dairy industries increasingly call for plant-based producers to be banned from using descriptors such as “oat milk”, “veggie burgers”, and “vegan cheese”, the APA is calling for “common-sense rules” on labelling. The association points out that contrary to claims by lobbyists, surveys consistently show that consumers are not confused by current labelling practices — in fact, meat-like and dairy-like terms are commonly used in everyday conversation when describing plant-based foods. Consequently, banning these terms would increase rather than decrease consumer confusion. Furthermore, the report argues that less strict regulations could have several benefits for the UK, …


Modern Milkman

© Modern Milkman

Politics & Law

UK Government Urged to Reject Alt Dairy Labelling Restrictions as Survey Says Consumers Aren’t Confused

After the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released draft guidance confirming that plant-based dairy alternatives can use the word “milk” on their packaging, the UK government has been urged to do the same. Plant-based brands are currently banned from using dairy-like terms in the UK due to an EU law from 1987. But following Brexit, the UK government could choose to remove the labelling restrictions. Unfortunately, the country’s Food Standards and Information Focus Group (FSIFG) is currently attempting to do the opposite, lobbying for labelling laws to be tightened. The proposed restrictions would ban phrases such as “alternative to milk”, along with terms like “mylk” and “cheeze”. While many have protested that the ban would serve no useful purpose — including Member of Parliament …


Jeremy Coller headshot

Jeremy Coller, image supplied

Guest Posts

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Jeremy Coller: Why We’re Launching the Alternative Proteins Association

The UK has always been seen as a pioneering nation – from the steam engine and industrial revolution to the computer and world wide web.  We are renowned for our scientific and research quality, as well as our engineering expertise.  British universities remain the envy of the world.  And the success of the UK’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout points to a new golden era of British bioprocessing and distribution. We, therefore, have the opportunity to be a global leader in food technology if we harness the power of our entrepreneurial spirit, leverage the UK’s world class R&D capabilities and get the right regulatory framework in place. So companies, investors, NGOs, academics, scientists and entrepreneurs are coming together to launch the Alternative Proteins Association (APA) in Parliament …
