Germany’s bedda, a plant-based subsidiary of Big Food Group, offers a portfolio of dairy- free products which ranges from vegan cheese alternatives and delicatessen salads to spreads and desserts. The products are always free from soy, palm oil, flavour enhancers and gluten.
bedda Reveals Several Exciting New Vegan Cheeses Incuding First Fermented Offering
Hanburg’s multi-award winning bedda brand, producer of plant-based cheeses, sauces, desserts, dips and dressings, plans an upcoming launch of several new vegan cheeses including its first fermented offering. The news comes less than two months after the German company’s partnership with Dominos pizza, which now uses its vegan grated melt as a topping for the Oh Jacky jackfruit pizza, launched to coincide with Veganuary. The upcoming new products include: The first fermented product from bedda –“bedda Shepherd” — a new iteration of its shepherd’s cheese alternative. bedda “Come on Bert”, its camembert alternative, has an updated recipe and is extended by the red smear alternative Red Bert and the blue mould alternative Blue Bert. bedda “Mo Zart” is its mozzarella alternative, a soft, mildly acidic …