National University Singapore

© National University Singapore


Bezos Earth Fund Establishes Sustainable Protein Research Hub at National University of Singapore

The Bezos Earth Fund has announced the establishment of the Bezos Centre for Sustainable Protein at the National University of Singapore (NUS), marking its first initiative of this kind in Asia. The centre, which is backed by a US$30 million grant, will focus on advancing sustainable protein research and the commercial development of alternative proteins in the region. The NUS centre will focus on key areas such as biomass fermentation, which involves using by-products like tofu waste to feed algae and produce high-quality protein. This research initiative forms part of a global network, joining other Bezos Centres for Sustainable Protein at Imperial College London in the UK and North Carolina State University in the US.  Professor Tan Eng Chye, president of NUS, explained the importance …


Bezos Center for Sustainable Protein established at Imperial College London

© Imperial College London


Bezos Center for Sustainable Protein Opens at Imperial College London, Will Receive $30M in Funding

The Bezos Earth Fund has announced the launch of a new Bezos Center for Sustainable Protein at Imperial College London. The Center will span seven academic departments, focusing on the development and commercialization of sustainable, affordable, nutritious, and tasty alternative food products. This will include research into cultivated meat, precision fermentation, AI, machine learning, nutrition, bioprocessing, and automation. Engineering biology and biofoundries (where cells effectively become mini factories) will be used to develop and scale up new bio-based processes. The Center will also encompass several institutes and facilities, including the Center for Synthetic Biology, the Center for Translational Nutrition & Food Research, and SynbiCITE (the UK’s industrial translation center for synthetic biology). These institutes will help with education, translating discoveries into real-world applications, and commercialization. …


© NCSU & Bezos Earth Fund


Bezos Earth Fund Establishes Sustainable Protein Research Center at NC State University

The Bezos Earth Fund has awarded North Carolina State University $30 million over the next five years to establish the first Bezos Center for Sustainable Protein. This project will create a biomanufacturing hub for sustainable dietary proteins that are environmentally friendly, healthy, and affordable. This funding is part of the Earth Fund’s larger $100 million commitment to create a network of open-access research and development centers focused on sustainable protein alternatives to expand consumer choices while addressing environmental concerns. An additional $40 million investment was announced alongside this grant, complementing the previously committed $60 million. The overarching goal is to contribute to the Earth Fund’s $1 billion pledge towards food system transformation. Chancellor Randy Woodson of NC State noted, “As a land-grant university in a …


Bezos Earth Fund to establish Centers for Sustainable Protein

© Rocío Lower/Bezos Earth Fund

Sustainability / Environment

Bezos Earth Fund Commits $60M to Establish Centers for Sustainable Protein

The Bezos Earth Fund, launched in 2020 by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, has pledged $60 million to establish several Bezos Centers for Sustainable Protein. The Centers will address technological challenges facing the alternative protein industry, with the aim of reducing costs, increasing nutritional benefits, and improving quality. The latter may involve enhancing flavor and texture through cell biology and engineering innovations, according to a media alert from the organization. The announcement was made at Aspen Ideas: Climate by Lauren Sánchez, Vice Chair of the Bezos Earth Fund and Jeff Bezos’ fiancée. She said technological innovations would be necessary to find solutions for climate change. The investment is part of the Bezos Earth Fund’s $1 billion commitment to improving the sustainability of the food system, which …
