A drawing of a happy dog under the sun by Noochies!

© Noochies!

Pet Food

Noochies! Starts FDA Approval Process as Cultivated Pet Food Inches Closer to Shelves

US pet food brand Noochies! announces that it has initiated the first steps of the regulatory process to introduce a cultivated chicken dog product in the US market. Further Foods, the brand’s parent company owned by Canada’s CULT Food Science, has completed and submitted a feeding trial protocol for dogs to the FDA. The feeding trials, necessary to ensure the novel ingredient’s safety and efficacy, will start later this year, contingent on the FDA’s approval. The protocol’s design was developed in collaboration with Dr. Sarah Dodd, co-founder of the US startup Friends & Family Pet Food Co. Noochies! has already introduced two unique products featuring an alternative protein: Freeze-Dried Dog and Cat Snacks, crafted with a dried yeast protein developed by CULT Food Science. Mitchell Scott, …


Cultivated meat company BioCraft Pet Nutrition, a manufacturer of pet food ingredients, announces that it has reached price parity with premium traditional meat

© BioCraft Pet Nutrition

Company News

BioCraft’s Cultivated Ingredients Achieve Price Parity with Premium Meat for Pet Food

Austrian cultivated meat company BioCraft Pet Nutrition, a manufacturer of cultivated ingredients for pet food, today makes an announcement claiming it has reached price parity with traditional premium pet meat products.  BioCraft says it has achieved a commercial price of $2.00 to $2.50 per pound of cultivated meat, making it competitive with premium meat for pet food. To put these prices in context, research by the Good Food Institute found that cultivated meat could be cost-competitive with some conventional meats by 2030 at a production cost of $2.92 per pound. CEO Shannon Falconer commented, “Achieving price parity and a robust nutritional profile for pets were the only elements holding back cultivated meat for the pet food industry — and BioCraft has now achieved both.” Rethinking …


Biocraft Cat food in dish

Cat food © Biocraft Pet Nutrition

Pet Food

BioCraft Pioneers AI to Streamline Production of Cultivated Meat for Pets

BioCraft Pet Nutrition, formerly Because, Animals, states it is pioneering AI to reduce costs and accelerate the development of cultivated meat for the pet food market.  BioCraft claims to have developed a new proprietary AI tool that supports R&D in finding nutrient inputs, giving it an edge in achieving optimal cell proliferation, thus expediting production. Using AI, the company conducts fewer and more focused experiments to improve cell growth and enhance the nutritional value of cultivated meat.  “The main costs and time sinks on the way to commercialization are R&D-related, and our AI has substantially streamlined this process, accelerated our progress, and reduced costs,” said BioCraft founder and CEO Dr. Shannon Falconer.  BioCraft’s AI collects and processes data from publicly available scientific papers and databases. Subsequently, …


Newform meatballs

© Newform Foods

Marketing & Media

The Era of the Alt Protein Rebrand: Yet Another Cell Ag Company Reveals New Identity

Yesterday, South African cultivated meat company Mzansi Meat revealed on social media its new identity (see below). Mzansi’s rebrand comes as the next in line to a growing list of alternative protein companies undergoing transformation as such products enter the spotlight and become increasingly crucial as part of food system revolution and climate change action. Arguably, this wave of alt protein rebrands began back in May of 2021 when Memphis Meats became UPSIDE Foods, before going on to achieve incredible success which, as we all know, led to the company becoming one of the two pioneering cultivated meat producers granted permission to sell their novel cell-based chicken products to the US public. However this uptick has gained great pace over the past year or so, …


BioCraft Pet Nutrition introduces cultivated chicken ingredient for pet food manufacturers

CEO Shannon Falconer with Nori and Gaia © Kezia Jauron

Pet Food

BioCraft Pet Nutrition Introduces Cultivated Chicken for Manufacturers Seeking Conventional Meat

BioCraft Pet Nutrition, formerly Because, Animals, known for its cultivated mouse meat ingredient, announces it has developed a new ingredient for cat and dog food: cultivated chicken.  BioCraft Pet Nutrition is a cultivated meat ingredients supplier for pet food manufacturers. It was founded in 2016 by Shannon Falconer to create sustainable, slaughter-free pet food. “More than 25 percent of the environmental impact of animal agriculture is attributed to feeding pets in the US alone: if cats and dogs occupied their own country, they would be the world’s fifth largest meat-consuming nation,” argues BioCraft Pet Nutrition. Conventional meat According to the company, chicken is among the conventional species preferred by pet food manufacturers and consumers as a protein source, despite being among the top allergens for cats and dogs. BioCraft Pet Nutrition …
