The tipping point has almost arrived. Following news that 2020 saw a record $3.1 billion capital investment in alt protein, a first-of-its-kind report has been released this evening which suggests that Europe and North America could reach “peak meat” by 2025, from when the consumption of animal protein will be in decline. By 2035, just a decade later, it predicts that every tenth portion of food eaten globally will be made from alt proteins.
BCG Report Finds a 50% Market Share of Alternative Proteins Equivalent to Removing Half of All Gas-Fueled Cars
A new report published today by Boston Consulting Group (BCG), The Good Food Institute (GFI), and Synthesis Capital, titled What the Alternative Protein Industry Can Learn from EV Companies, states that if alternative proteins reached half of the market share of the global protein market, it would reduce agriculture and land use greenhouse gas emissions by almost a third by 2050. This shift would mitigate 5 gigatons of CO2 equivalents annually, the equivalent of removing 50% of gas-fueled cars from the road. “The parallels between the EV and alternative protein industries are striking. Both are disruptive technologies taking on incumbents whose products are rooted in consumer culture and identity. Both are responsible for large slices of global GHG emissions (passenger road transportation for 10%; animal …