grilled chicken breast with rice and fries

Vitor -

Cultivated Meat

Brazil’s State-Owned Embrapa Develops Cultivated Chicken & Cell Biobank

The Swine and Poultry Unit of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), which is carrying out a study about cultivated chicken, has announced it is developing a chicken breast fillet prototype that should be ready for nutritional and sensory analysis by the end of 2023.   Embrapa, established by the country’s federal government in 1973 for the sustainable development of Brazilian agribusiness, has been essential in Brazil’s poultry and swine production.  With the new challenges for sustainable development, food safety, meat quality, production traceability, restriction on antimicrobials, environmental protection, and animal welfare, the research organization is embracing cultivated meat R&D as part of its agenda. A biobank and a boneless chicken fillet Embrapa considers chicken meat one of the most versatile proteins consumed throughout the country and …
