Headshot of Illtud Dunsford from Cellular Agriculture Ltd

Illtud Dunsford © Cellular Agriculture Ltd

Guest Posts

Guest Post: Making Cultivated Meat Scalable and Sustainable with New Bioprocess Technology

The global food system is at a pivotal juncture, with growing populations, environmental pressures, and rising demand for sustainable, ethical protein sources converging to create both challenges and opportunities. Cultivated meat, a promising innovation, allows the production of real animal protein without the environmental burden. However, scaling cultivated meat to commercial viability while ensuring food safety and reducing environmental impact remains a key industry challenge. In the following guest post, Illtud Dunsford, CEO and Co-Founder of Cellular Agriculture Ltd, delves deeper into these complexities, exploring the advancements, hurdles, and future prospects of cultivated meat as a transformative solution within the global food landscape. Cellular Agriculture Ltd, in partnership with Campden BRI, has launched a ground-breaking Innovate UK-funded project to address these issues. The aim is …
