The European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) has released a study that highlights Europe's animal-based protein balance and argues for the growing interest in alternative proteins. 

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Politics & Law

New EU Agri Commissioner Urged to Prioritise Proposed Action Plan for Plant-Based Foods

ProVeg International has called on the EU Commissioner-designate for Agriculture and Food, Luxembourg’s Christophe Hansen, to prioritise the proposed EU Action Plan for Plant-Based Foods during his term in office. Hansen is set to take over from Poland’s Janusz Wojciechowski if he is confirmed on November 27. Earlier this week, he was interviewed by MEPs about the Action Plan concept, which was presented to the European Commission in September in a report titled Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture. The report was the result of seven months of negotiations by organisations including green NGOs, consumer groups, farmers’ unions, and industry actors. It calls for a reduction in the consumption of animal-based proteins and support to make plant-based options more affordable and accessible. Additionally, …


Cattle in a farming land in the Netherlands


Politics & Law

EU Approves €700M Dutch Scheme for Voluntary Closure of Livestock Farms

The European Commission has approved a €700 million Dutch State scheme to compensate farmers who voluntarily close livestock farming sites in some regions of the Netherlands. The Dutch government is looking to improve the quality of the environment and promote more sustainable and environmentally friendly production in the livestock sector with this initiative. The scheme will apply to priority areas, including peatlands, sandy soils, stream valleys, and areas in and adjacent to Natura 2000. It will be open to small and medium-sized livestock farmers operating in any eligible areas until the 1st of October, 2029. The aid provided under the scheme will consist of direct grants and subsidized advisory services. It will cover up to 100% of eligible expenses, including compensation for the loss of production …


© GOURMEY and Romain Buisson

Politics & Law

Italian Cultivated Meat Ban Could Be “Unenforceable” Due to Violation of EU Scrutiny Procedure

The European Commission has said that Italy violated an EU scrutiny procedure by banning cultivated meat without allowing other member states or the Commission itself to give their views. The Italian government first proposed the ban in March of last year, citing a lack of studies on the effects of cultivated meat. In October, it was revealed that a draft law proposing the ban had been withdrawn from EU scrutiny, along with another bill to restrict the use of meat-like terms on plant-based product packaging. The controversial bills were then passed by the Italian Chamber of Deputies in November. According to the European Commission, the draft laws should have been subjected to the TRIS procedure, which is intended to prevent national parliaments from passing bills …


Cows/ cattle

Courtesy of ProVeg International

Sustainability / Environment

Scientists Say Europeans Must Eat “As Little Animal Products as Possible”

Scientists have told the European Commission that people must eat “as little animal products as possible” to combat climate change. Professor Erik Mathijs, chair of the Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA) Working Group, made the comment following the publication of the group’s new report, Towards Sustainable Food Consumption. The white paper was requested by the Commission to support the revision of its Farm to Fork agri-food strategy. Describing reduced animal product consumption as “the key mitigation option” for climate change, the report calls for policy measures such as taxes or bans on some unsustainable products, and reformulations of others. It also emphasises the benefits of plant-based diets in tackling chronic diseases, obesity, and biodiversity loss. “Crucial solution” The importance of reducing animal …
