ExSeed sunflower protein

© ExSeed


ExSeed Develops Circular Sunflower Protein Isolate for Plant-Based Foods, Supplements & More

ExSeed is a Bulgarian startup producing a functional sunflower protein isolate that could provide an alternative to soy and pea proteins. The protein isolate is clean, nutritious, and non-allergenic, with a complete amino acid profile. It also has a neutral taste and can be produced at a competitive price. Sunflower press cake, a side stream of sunflower oil production, is used as an input for the protein isolate. This makes the process circular and efficient. Historically, extracting protein from press cake has proven challenging, involving the sacrifice of either yield, quality, or functionality; however, ExSeed’s technology provides a solution. The startup was originally working to extract protein from grape seeds, but some of the processes involved also proved effective for sunflower protein extraction. ExSeed eventually …
