
© Orange Fiber S.r.l.


How Orange Peels Can Become a Luxury Scarf

The innovative use of unusual plant-derived raw materials in the textile industry is still in its infancy. However, production residues such as fruit peels and fruit stones, which are by-products of food processing, are increasingly attracting the attention of textile producers who transform natural resources into new materials. These include the Italian company Orange Fiber, which uses groundbreaking technology to process orange peel into high-quality textiles.


Faloa Gründerinnen

Faloa Gründerinnen Franziska und Mirijam Walser - © Faloa

Startups, Accelerators & Incubators

New Online Shop Faloa Offers Vegan, Fair and Sustainable Fashion

Since July 4th, 2018, a new online shop has been offering sustainably-oriented and fashion-conscious consumers a unique range of exclusive vegan designer clothing. The newly founded Swiss fashion platform Faloa stands for rebellious, sustainable and ethical premium fashion of a special kind, and is therefore a real alternative to the conventional fashion industry.
