Sternchemie has received a GRAS “letter of no objection” from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its wide range of sunflower lecithins. GRAS stands for “Generally Recognised As Safe” and provides certainty and transparency for food manufacturers. With this determination, the FDA confirms that sunflower lecithin from Sternchemie, whether liquid, de-oiled or hydrolysed, can safely be used in a wide variety of food products.
FDA Issues Draft Guidance on Labeling Plant-Based Foods: What Brands Need to Know
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released draft guidelines aimed at improving transparency in the labeling of plant-based alternatives to animal-derived foods. While this document is non-binding, it gives plant-based brands a preview of what the FDA considers best practices for labeling—and a potential roadmap for future regulations. These recommendations cover plant-based substitutes for eggs, seafood, poultry, meat, and dairy products under FDA jurisdiction, excluding plant-based milk, which is addressed in separate guidance. According to the FDA, the goal is to ensure that “consumers understand the nature or source of individual plant-based alternative foods, including differences among these products, and have the information they need to make informed purchasing decisions.” Clearer statements of identity A key focus of the guidance is the statement …