Marketing & Media

FIAPO India Launches Nationwide 21 Day Compassion Challenge Campaign

The Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations  is the collective voice of the animal protection movement in India, which protects the interests of animals on a local and national level. FIAPO works in collaboration with members and volunteers in over 70 cities throughout India, hoping to change the lives of animals across the country, through education, research, lobbying, mobilisation, training and direct action. The focus of the FIAPO campaigns is to ensure that the rights of all animals are respected, promoted, protected and fulfilled. Owing to the sheer magnanimity of the scale of factory farming in India and the lack of regulations to control the malpractices common to factory farming; the welfare and protection of rights of farmed animals is of high priority to FIAPO. …


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Fairs & Events

Vegan India Expo 2019: First B2B Vegan Event in India

Between 5th and 7th of July, the Vegan India Expo took place in New Delhi, marking the first international B2B vegan event in India. A total of 38 exhibitors and 1,600 visitors took part in the trade show. It was supported by the World Vegan Organisation, NSIC (National Small Scale Industries Corporation) and Federation India Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO) and organised by EXHIMACT and VERIFAIR. 
