Plant Based Treaty Activists

© Plant Based Treaty

Sustainability & Environment

IPCC Expert Calls for “Global Veganization” as Calls for Plant Based Treaty Intensify

Climate campaigners will be in Bonn for the United Nations Climate Change Conference starting today to present a new position paper and urge delegates to begin negotiations for a Plant Based Treaty. The move comes after a senior IPCC expert has backed the paper, calling for “global veganization”; an urgent transition to plant-based diets to avoid climate disaster.  The new position paper titled “Appetite for a Plant Based Treaty” highlights how the IPCC has repeatedly demonstrated a vegan diet to be the optimal diet to drastically reduce food-related emissions. The position paper has so far been endorsed by over 50 groups and prominent individuals. It offers a roadmap for a fast and just transition to a plant-based food system this decade in response to the …


alt meats

Image courtesy of ProVeg International

Sustainability & Environment

Alt Proteins Could Save 80% Water, Land, and Carbon Emissions, Says New Report

A new study from the University of Helsinki has highlighted the role cultivated meat and dairy, edible algae, mushrooms, and other alt proteins can play on the environment. With potential water, land, and carbon emissions savings of more than 80% when compared to typical European diets, the study underscores the importance of the alt protein movement for climate change. With global food systems facing multiple supply and sustainability challenges, exacerbated by climate change and a growing population, the report estimates the possible reductions in global warming potential, water use, and land use by replacing conventional animal-based foods with alt protein foods, including plant-based and the emerging cellular agriculture field.  With the findings published in the science journal Nature Food, the conclusion was drawn that by …


Umaro Foods Bacon in Pan

©Umaro Foods

Sustainability & Environment

IPCC: Alt-Meat Could Help Halve Global Emissions by 2030

Alt-meat could help halve emissions of greenhouse gases by 2030, according to a new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The report’s authors say that even if fossil fuel emissions were eliminated overnight, the emissions from food production alone would likely make it impossible to stay within the Paris agreement target of 1.5°C of warming. They say that the most effective way to reduce emissions would be the widespread adoption of plant-based diets. Investment is imperative However, a 14% rise in global meat production is currently expected by 2029. Products made using precision fermentation, cultivated animal cells, and plant-based proteins could help slash emissions, but far more investment is needed to make this possible. The report’s scientists acknowledge that cultivated meat is …


Climate Change Sign No Planet B

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Sustainability & Environment

IPCC Report Shows Urgent Need to Transform Food Systems and Promote Alt Protein 

The latest IPCC report has given dire warnings for societies across the globe, highlighting the need to adapt to the worst impacts of the climate crisis. The report highlights the pressing need to transform world food systems which are responsible for 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions, while suggesting a move towards plant-based meat has the potential to reduce these emissions by up to 90%. The GFI Europe has shared insights into the IPCC report, demonstrating how sustainable proteins can play a leading role in reducing food system emissions. One striking study quoted in the report shows how 77% of agricultural land is used for animal ag, though the destructive industry only supplies around 18% of the world’s calories. As climate change exposes millions to …



Sustainability & Environment

Heura’s Urgent Message to Boris Johnson: Plant-Based Deserves a Seat at the Table

After the recent alarming IPCC report on climate change was released with stark warnings for the future of humanity, the Spanish “food activists” behind Heura have given an urgent message to UK politician Boris Johnson: stop ignoring the science and make plant-based diets part of climate policy.  Following the UK government’s dangerous lack of action, activists and Heura co-founders Marc Coloma and Bernat Añaños have made the video message, as well as launched a petition to demand that world leaders support a plant-based diet to combat climate change. In advance of COP26, they have also penned an open letter to Boris Johnson, which states: “We have listened to your words. We have noticed your (lack of) actions. Now it’s time to act and address diet …


Group of demonstrators on road, young people fight for climate change - Global warming and enviroment concept - Focus on banner

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UN Says Future is Bleak Unless We Change Food Production, Plantbased Diet is Our Opportunity

A leaked report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations body responsible for assessing climate change, warns that urgent changes must be made to the way in which we approach agriculture and utilise land, suggesting veganism as a possible solution in terms of greenhouse gases, otherwise dire consequences will be seen imminently.
