© Myconeos Limited

Cheese Alternatives

Scientific Discovery in the UK Unlocks World of Possibilities for Vegan Brie & Camembert

UK’s Myconeos Limited, a biotech company developing new strains of fungi for food applications, announces a breakthrough that could lead to tastier vegan Brie, Camembert, and other cheeses as well as fermented meat products. The company, which has developed a breeding platform to cross fungal strains naturally, claims that it has unlocked the sexual cycle of Penicillium camemberti, the strain used in Brie and Camembert cheeses. This discovery, before considered impossible, allows Myconeos to produce new and improved Penicillium camemberti strains for the first time. Professor Paul Dyer, CTO of Myconeos, says this discovery will promote genetic diversity within the strain’s population, opening the door to a broader range of cheese options with new flavors, textures, and colors. More importantly, the breakthrough will help the company breed …
