Myprotein Perfect Day Animal-Free Whey Powder


Products & Launches

Myprotein and Perfect Day Launch ‘Whey Forward’ Dairy-Identical Performance Protein Powder

Myprotein, the world’s leading online sports nutrition brand, has partnered with startup Perfect Day to launch Whey Forward – a “no-compromise” performance protein powder made with animal-free dairy. Developed with Perfect Day’s precision fermentation, Whey Forward is a ready-to-mix product that offers the same taste and nutrition as whey found in cow’s milk, but with no lactose and a significantly reduced environmental impact. With 20 grams of protein per serving, Whey Forward also matches the nutritional needs of Impact Whey, Myprotein’s award-winning traditional whey protein powder. Whey Forward is available in three serving sizes and flavors: Creamy Mint Chocolate Chip, Rich Salted Caramel and Decadent Chocolate Brown. “With Whey Forward, we are removing a barrier to make it even easier for people to find a protein that best …
