NUS researchers develop 3d-printed edible scaffolds that will accelerate cultivated meat bio manufacturing

Image credit: National University of Singapore (NUS)


Edible Scaffolds For Cultivated Meat With “Fibrous Qualities” Developed by Singapore Scientists

A research team from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has successfully used plant proteins from corn, barley, and rye flour to 3D-print edible scaffolds for the cultivated meat industry.  Led by Huang Dejian, deputy head of the NUS Department of Food Science and Technology, the team claims the new development will help to accelerate the biomanufacturing process of cultivated meat.  “By using readily available cereal prolamins as biomaterials for high-precision 3D printing technology, we open up a new method for manufacturing edible and structured scaffolds to produce cultured muscle meat slices with fibrous qualities,” Dejian said. 3D-printed edible scaffolds Scaffolds are three-dimensional constructs used in cultivated meat that provide structural support for cells to multiply and develop into tissues. But they are typically made from …
