Visch by NORDSEE


Gastronomy & Food Service

Quick Service Seafood Chain NORDSEE Launches Plant-Based Fish Made by Novish

NORDSEE is a fast food chain specialising in seafood based in Germany and Austria with locations throughout Europe. Following the news as we reported last month that vegan seafood producer Novish closed a funding round including Kharis Capital, the owner of NORDSEE; the chain has now launched two menu items by the fast-growing Dutch producer. From now, a baked fish baguette and fish & chips dish are available at NORDSEE locations in Germany as a trial basis before expanded rollout. Its additional locations are in the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland, Hungary, Cyprus, Dubai, Egypt, Bulgaria, Turkey and Russia. Novish recently expanded into Canada through a distribution deal with Misty Mountain Trade & Consulting Inc for its vegan fish burgers and sticks as part of its …
