Disinformation and Propaganda Meter that is hitting a full scale, showing a very high level of disinformation, overload of it, too much of it. Maximum value, off the charts. ,3d illustration

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“Inaccurate and Misleading”: Health Professionals Condemn Meat & Dairy Campaign Backed by UK Government

The Doctors’ Association UK (DAUK) has joined forces with Plant-Based Health Professionals UK (PBHP UK) to call out a government-backed campaign promoting meat and dairy consumption. The organisations have sent an open letter to the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) and the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) to highlight their concerns over the Let’s Eat Balanced campaign. Timed to coincide with Veganuary, the campaign advocates consuming meat as a source of protein, zinc, iron, and vitamin B12. But DAUK and PBHP UK say that promoting animal product consumption is “at odds with established scientific evidence on healthy and sustainable diets”, and have called for the campaign to be retracted. The organisations argue that the campaign’s claims are “inaccurate and misleading”, since …


Animal-Free Dairy Milk

© Bored Cow

Milk- and Dairy Alternatives

The Vegan Society and ProVeg Call for Plant-Based Milks For Children on World School Milk Day

To coincide with yesterday’s World School Milk Day, The Vegan Society and ProVeg International are pushing for plant-based milk to be offered to children in schools. World School Milk Day, which was established 22 years ago, is customarily associated with dairy milk, but given that 68% of the world’s population is lactose intolerant and that many people have a cow’s milk allergy, it should come as no surprise that more and more nations are promoting plant-based milk as a dairy substitute. “Plant-based milk offers those with intolerance or dairy milk allergies a much greater choice at school mealtimes and there is a growing array of nutritious plant-based milk to choose from. These milk also offer greater choice to young people who want animal-friendly drinks as …



© Artem Shadrin - stock.adobe.com


Health Professionals Call for Ban on Bacon

© Artem Shadrin – stock.adobe.com

A new campaign, called Give Bacon the Boot, has been launched by healthcare group Plant-Based Health Professionals UK. The initiative is aimed at hospitals and clinics, with the hope of discouraging them from serving and selling processed meats to staff and patients. The campaign’s motto states, “Lets get processed meat out of hospital.  It’s time to #GiveBaconTheBoot.”
