Dr. Svenja Prosseda of Senara

Dr. Svenja Prosseda © Senara


Deep Dive on Senara’s Cultivated Cow Milk Without the Cow: “The Opportunities Are Virtually Limitless”

Svenja Prosseda is CEO and joint founder of Senara GmbH, which has engineered the technology and is now producing cultivated cow milk. Its primary focus is on producing cow milk sustainably; using bioreactor technology to cultivate bio-identical milk, outside of the cow. This young company has already been recognised with a slew of accolades. Just this week Senara was shortlisted in the last 20 from around 5,500 competitors, by SLUSH 2024. Svenja and her husband and co-founder Phillip Prosseda will soon travel to Helsinki for the announcement of the winners with a potential €1,000,000 investment. This will certainly help them reach their objective to commercialise cell-cultivated milk by 2028. Scientific and technological advancements in dairy farming has seen milk yields increased dramatically over the last …


Future of Foods Interviews Senara Foods

© Future of Foods Podcast

Cultivated, Cell-Cultured & Biotechnology

Future of Foods Podcast: Svenja Dannewitz Prosseda, CEO of Senara, is Producing Cell-Cultivated Milk

Alex Crisp, host of Future of Foods, Interviews Svenja Dannewitz Prosseda, CEO and founder of German company Senara which is developing a better way of feeding the world. Senara says it is the first company in the EU to develop and produce cell-cultivated milk. Founded in 2022 in Freiburg by Dr. Svenja and Dr. Philipp Prosseda, Senara claims to have developed a cost-effective platform for cultivating “real” milk at a pilot scale. Instead of using animal samples, Senara selects the best milk cells and grows them in bioreactors through a continuous, high-throughput process that reduces production costs. The final product is real milk, not a plant-based alternative, which contains essential nutrients like lactose, casein, whey, and micronutrients. It’s also free from bacteria and yeasts and …


Dr. Svenja-Dannewitz (L) and Dr. Philipp-Prosseda, founders of Senara

Image courtesy of Senara

Cultivated, Cell-Cultured & Biotechnology

Senara Unveils Cell-Cultivated Milk Technology to Produce “Real Milk” Without Cows

“By 2028, we believe that cell-cultivated milk will be a standard option on supermarket shelves,” says Senara, a young biotech startup from Germany that recently came out of stealth, unveiling a technology to produce milk using cells. Founded in Freiburg in 2022 by Dr. Svenja Dannewitz and Dr. Philipp-Prosseda, along with a team of scientists, Senara, which operates at pilot scale, claims it has developed a platform that can cultivate milk at lower costs. Senara explains that it uses a selection process to choose the best cells from milk (instead of taking animal samples) to grow them in bioreactors using a “continuous, high-throughput process” that significantly reduces production costs.  The final product, “real milk” — not a plant-based alternative — is said to contain all …
