According to Danone, the plant milks currently on the market have limitations. The company points out that these milks are marketed based on their main ingredient, with soy, almond, and oat being the most popular. But some consumers are put off by this, as they know the taste and texture will be different from dairy.
Silk Investigates Dairy Preferences With Polygraph Taste Test in NYC
Silk, one of North America’s leading plant-based beverage brands, is questioning breakfast loyalties with an unconventional campaign aimed at settling a long-standing debate: Is dairy milk truly the best choice for cereal? According to the company, during a recent national taste test, 7 out of 10 dairy drinkers said they preferred Silk Vanilla Almondmilk in their cereal. Now Silk is taking its case directly to skeptics in a high-profile New York City event. The campaign, dubbed “Cereal Liar,” invites participants who claim to prefer dairy milk to take a lie detector test while sampling both Silk and dairy options with their cereal. The event, set for January 9—two days before National Milk Day—is designed not just to promote Silk’s product but to challenge perceptions about …