© Sinless Food

Egg Alternatives

“We’ve Cracked It”: Sinless Food Offers Vegan Fried, Poached and Hard-Boiled Eggs

Sinless Food is a new business based in the North of England that produces innovative handmade alternatives to eggs. The company’s range includes: Vegan Fried Eggs — A frozen ready-to-cook mix in six individual pots, which produces a plant-based alternative to fried eggs when cooked. Vegan Poached Eggs — Another frozen ready-to-cook mix, available in packs of six sachets. The mix can be placed in boiling water to make a poached egg alternative. Vegan Hard Boiled Eggs — Four individually wrapped ready-to-eat vegan boiled eggs. Vegan Egg Roll — A ready-to-eat boiled egg-style product, sold in a sliceable roll. Vegan “Egg” & Cress Filler — An egg and cress-style sandwich filling made with vegan mayo and Sinless Food’s hard-boiled egg alternative. The plant-based eggs are …
