What is Plant Transformation? Mary Fernandes of Solis Agrosciences
Mary Fernandes, President of Solis Agrosciences, discusses Plant Pipeline as a Service (PPaaS), plant transformation, gene editing, and the future (or the now?) of food on today’s episode of The Plantbased Business Hour. Specifically, they discuss What is Plant Pipeline as a Service? What is the demand for PPaaS? What is Plant Transformation? Gene Editing? Why do we need these things? What is GMO? Is it bad for you? Can we feed the world without GMO and without tech in our food? Below is a highlight clip from their long-form conversation. Podcast here . Display “Mary Fernandes of Solis Agrosciences Predicts Farmers Will Need Help From Scientists In The Future” from YouTube Click here to display content from YouTube. Learn more in YouTube’s privacy policy. Always …