wehende Fahnen vor dem Europa Parlament in Brüssel

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Politics & Law

France or Any Member State Can’t Ban Meaty Terms in Plant-Based Food Labels, EU Top Court Rules

Burger, sausage, and steak are now legal names for vegan marketing in the old continent. The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that France or any Member State cannot prohibit using “terms traditionally associated with animal products” for plant-based alternatives, provided the ingredients are clearly shown on labels. In a press release published today, the court explains that states must refrain from prohibiting producers from using customary or descriptive names for plant-based foods in the absence of an adopted legal name (a law defining what a sausage or a burger is). According to ProVeg International, adopting legal names would create massive confusion for consumers and the single market because defining these terms depends on cultural and linguistic references. Jasmijn de Boo, Global …
