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Politics & Law

This “Ushers in a New Era in Nutrition Policy”: German Scientific Society DGE Revises Stance on Veganism

The German Nutrition Society (DGE), the country’s most influential body on nutrition policy, has revised its official position on vegan nutrition and declared that a vegan diet is extremely environmentally friendly and can be beneficial to health. In its new position on vegan nutrition, for the first time, the organisation considers the environment, animal welfare, and social issues as objectives of a more sustainable diet alongside health. This has decisive consequences: the professional organisation for nutrition, whose recommendations largely shape communal catering and nutritional advice in Germany, has moved away from its negative stance. “This new position ushers in a new era in nutrition policy in Germany,” comments Anna-Lena Klapp, International Nutrition and Health Lead at ProVeg. “Together with the recently updated DGE guidelines, the new …
