Following its recent court win against Nestlé, the brother-sister plant-based entrepreneurs behind The Herbivorous Butcher have revealed plans to open a second brick-and-mortar later this year. The Herbie Butcher’s Fried Chicken concept is set to open late spring in Minneapolis.
The Herbivorous Butcher: “Learn Everything You Can About Your Product and Stand Behind It”
The Herbivorous Butcher of Minneapolis consists of Kale and Aubry Walch who together have operated one of the very first fully plant-based butcher shops since way before plant-based was in its current incarnation, running popups and farmers market stalls from 2014 and opening the first brick-and-mortar in 2016. The brother and sister duo became known to many of us outside of the USA when in 2021 they won the rights to use the phrase “vegan butcher” following a court battle with Nestle, thus gaining worldwide press coverage and a place in the hearts of vegans, especially in their home state where THB has gone from strength to strength, going on to found an animal sanctuary as well as a vegan fried chicken concept, Herbie Butcher’s …