woman eating plant-based

© zinkevych - stock.adobe.com

Studies & Numbers

Survey Finds That Two Million Brits Now Identify as Vegan or Plant-Based

A survey conducted by The Vegan Society has found that 3% of people in Great Britain now identify as either vegan or plant-based, representing a total of approximately two million people. There are significant variations between regions, with 4% of the population in London, the North East, and the South West identifying as vegan or plant-based. This falls to 2% in Scotland, Wales, and the East Midlands. 10% of respondents say they are reducing or eliminating their intake of animal products in some way, with 4% identifying as vegetarian and 3% as pescetarian. Younger generations are twice as likely to follow a plant-based diet as older ones, and women are more likely to do so than men (3.6% compared to 1.98%). Additionally, graduates are significantly …


Meatable, a Dutch producer of cell-based pork meat, has become the first company to hold an officially approved cultivated meat tasting in the European Union and the first in the Netherlands.

Image courtesy of Meatable © Bart Maat

Charity & Campaigns

Is Cultivated Meat Vegan? The Vegan Society Says “Not Enough to Support it”

The Vegan Society acknowledges that cultivated meat has potential benefits, such as reducing animal slaughter and suffering, environmental improvements (less land and water usage, reduced greenhouse emissions), reduced zoonotic disease risks, and decreased antibiotic resistance. However, the organization states, “Cultivated meat is not vegan. Furthermore, it may never be considered vegan.” In a newly released research briefing, The Vegan Society discusses the intersections between veganism, ethics, and cultivated meat, highlighting the current limitations in alignment with vegan principles and ethical considerations. The paper also provides readers with essential information on the technology that has moved from a “fringe idea found only in science fiction” to being approved in Singapore, the US, and Israel, served in restaurants in Hong Kong, and approved as a pet food …


microbial protein Formo cheese gratin

© Formo

Charity & Campaigns

World Vegan Day: Celebrating 80 Years of Veganism with a Spotlight on Plant-Based Cheese Innovations

The Vegan Society, the world’s oldest vegan charity, is celebrating its 80th anniversary today, marking World Vegan Day. The society was founded in 1944 by Donald Watson and five other non-dairy vegetarians, who sought to create a movement distinct from vegetarianism and coined the term “vegan.” Over the past 80 years, the vegan movement has grown significantly, with veganism now recognized as a protected philosophical belief in the UK. Vegan options are available in supermarkets, restaurants, fashion, and cosmetics in Europe and North America, and the offer is slowly increasing in other continents. To celebrate its 80th anniversary, the charity is launching a virtual reality campaign, “The Future is Vegan.” The campaign features an AI-created avatar of co-founder Donald Watson, guiding users through a virtual world to …


AHDB campaign condemned by The Vegan Society



The Vegan Society: UK Government-Backed Meat Campaign is “Irresponsible Propaganda”

The Vegan Society has condemned a UK advertising campaign promoting the consumption of red meat, which has been launched by the government-sponsored Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB). According to The Vegan Society, the Let’s Eat Balanced campaign is “irresponsible propaganda”, since it contradicts recommendations by health and sustainability bodies. The charity points out that NHS guidance recommends eating no more than 70g of red or processed meat per day, since these products have been linked to an increased risk of colorectal cancer by the World Health Organization. While the AHDB campaign suggests eating meat as a source of protein and vitamin B12, the British Dietetic Association (BDA) says these nutrients can be easily obtained on a plant-based diet. Furthermore, the BDA recognises that plant-based …


The Body Shop announces that it has become the world's first global beauty brand to offer a fully vegan portfolio certified by The Vegan Society.

© The Body Shop

Cosmetics & Bodycare

The Body Shop Becomes First Global Beauty Brand with 100% Vegan Portfolio Certified by The Vegan Society

The Body Shop announces that it has become the world’s first global beauty brand to offer a fully vegan portfolio certified by The Vegan Society — a milestone in cruelty-free cosmetics and body care. Now, hundreds of the brand’s products, encompassing skincare, body care, hair care, makeup, and fragrance, have 100% vegan formulations and carry the Vegan Trademark (products with old and discontinued formulations will be available for sale until depleted).  To obtain the global gold standard certification on the entire portfolio, over 4000 raw materials, including their suppliers and manufacturers, had to undergo The Vegan Society’s meticulous assessment, explains the vegan beauty retailer. “We did it! Every single product formulation from The Body Shop is now certified by The Vegan Society. We know that vegan …


A men cutting vegetables ion a wooden board in a kitchen

© Maksym Povozniuk - stock.adobe.com

Charity & Campaigns

New Survey Reveals Over 40% of UK Men Express Interest in Vegan Diet

Today, coinciding with World Vegan Day, The Vegan Society has revealed “encouraging” figures from its latest research showing that 41% of UK males (in the sample group) express an interest in going vegan or have said they are planning to do so. Veganism has gained popularity in the last decade, particularly in the UK; however, only 37% of the UK vegan population are men. Aware of this fact, The Vegan Society has been researching the gender imbalance in vegan and vegetarian populations to understand why men are less likely to adopt a vegan lifestyle.  Young men, traditional masculinity, and health For this new research, the organisation surveyed 1,000 men in the UK, questioning their views on adopting vegan diets and the potential barriers to veganism. The survey shows that from …


Book receives The Vegan Society trademark

Image: The Vegan Society/Soni Kaur

Company News

Interesting and Unusual New Vegan Society Certifications: Bedding, Books and Bananas

The Vegan Society trademark is best known for its use on food and cosmetic products, but companies from other sectors are increasingly looking to gain certification. Here, we take a look at some of the most unusual. Poetry collection In June, poet Soni Kaur had the materials of her book certified as vegan. The paper and glue are produced using entirely animal-free processes, as is the biodegradable algae-based ink. The poetry collection is the first ever book to be registered with the Vegan Society trademark. Bedding Luxury linen brand Tradelinens has received Vegan Society certification for its Suprelle Tencel Eco Fresh pillows and duvets, along with its Comforel pillow. The bedding is made from natural fibers derived from sustainably grown eucalyptus trees, combined with recycled …


plant man

© malp - stock.adobe.com


Veganism and Masculinity: The Vegan Society’s Deep Dive on Gender Imbalance in Veganism

In recent years, the gender imbalance in vegan and vegetarian populations has received much interest from researchers seeking to explain this phenomenon. As it turns out, perhaps unsurprisingly, the reasons for this imbalance are deeply complicated. The Vegan Society’s first Research Briefing was published last month which explored the reasons why men are less likely than women to go vegan. The publication, titled Research Briefing: Veganism and Masculinity, provides a succinct overview of the topic, offering key recommendations for professional practice and identifying potential opportunities for future research. Main barriers The Research Briefing and its key recommendations were informed through careful consideration of current literature and research into effective campaign strategies. We found that the main barriers men face when going vegan are social stigma …


Vegan Society CEO

Steve Hamon © The Vegan Society


Vegan Society CEO Visits South Korea as Country’s Vegan Market Surges

Vegan Society CEO Steve Hamon is planning a trip to South Korea, as the country’s demand for plant-based products grows rapidly. 250 South Korean brands have now collectively registered almost 3000 products with the Vegan Society Trademark. As part of his visit, Hamon will meet trademark holders and attend events — including speaking at the country’s largest vegan exhibition, VeganFiesta. It is hoped that this will encourage more brands to register with the trademark. “The vegan certification system of the Vegan Trademark helps consumers easily check and purchase vegan products by giving credibility to their vegan status. As The Vegan Society’s Vegan Trademark is an international mark, it works as a reliable indicator of the safety of our products and ingredients to consumers around the world,” …



Cosmetics & Bodycare

Vegan Trademark Certifies 30,000th Cosmetics Product as Market Projected to Reach $21.4Bn

The Vegan Society‘s Vegan Trademark has reached a new milestone with the certification of its 30,000th animal-free cosmetics product. The trademark began as a certification scheme for the food sector in 1990, expanding to include cosmetics in 2005. Of the more than 65,000 products carrying the trademark, cosmetics and toiletries now account for 45%. The 30,000th cosmetics product to be registered was LUSH’s “After” Magnesium Massage Bar. The Vegan Society said it was “wonderful” that the milestone had been reached with LUSH, as the brand has been a client since 2006. LUSH also campaigns extensively against animal testing, and 95% of its range is fully vegan. Fast-growing market The vegan beauty market is growing rapidly, with a market report predicting that it will be worth …


The Vegan Society logo with grocery bag of veg

© The Vegan Society

Charity & Campaigns

How the Vegan Trademark is Empowering Consumers in a World of Hidden Animal Products

Recently there has been consumer concern about a ruling issued by the EU allowing the use of insects in novel food. Whilst this has come as a surprise to some, insects have been used in product manufacturing for a long time. The use of shellac (a resin secreted by the female lac bug) caused an uproar when consumers discovered products they wouldn’t think to check, like fruit, were being coated in it. This caused them to unwittingly consume animal products and is just one example of the use of insects in production. It’s not just food products that may include insects, their inclusion across all industries is prolific. Silk, often thought of as a ‘luxury’ textile, is made by boiling silk worms alive in their …


the vegan society celebrates 30 years of veganism recognised by law

© tommoh29-stock.adobe.com

Politics & Law

The Vegan Society: 30 Years Since Veganism Was First Recognised in Law

According to The Vegan Society, this 10th of February marked 30 years since veganism was first recognised by law. Legal recognition for vegans is rooted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights under Article 18 — the human right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. This right is given legal effect in different countries through international human rights treaties, including Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which applies to the UK.   Article 9 grants an absolute right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, ensuring that human beings can live according to their ethical convictions without state interference.  The article also gives freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs subject only to limitations prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society …


Vegan Society USA market port cosmeticsre

© Vegan Society USA

Cosmetics & Bodycare

Vegan Society’s First US Market Report: 90% Consider Vegan-Verified Cosmetics Important

More than half of US consumers want more vegan-verified labelling on beauty products, according to the Vegan Society‘s first US market report. As the Vegan Society continues to expand its global reach, the organisation is keen to understand perceptions of veganism and vegan products around the world. For this reason, the UK’s Vegan Society has produced a report entitled “The Vegan Beauty Takeover: US Edition” in collaboration with its American offshoot, the American Vegan Society. The results of a survey conducted as part of the report mirror earlier findings from a UK survey that looked at consumer demand for vegan cosmetics and analysed whether shoppers understand the differences between vegan and cruelty-free labelling. In the cosmetics industry, the term “cruelty-free” refers either to products that …


Turkey Submarine Sandwich

©Only Plant Based!/ Unreal Deli

Market & Trends

US Consumers Are Choosing Vegan Over Keto, While 56% Want More Verified Vegan Cosmetics

Two new studies have revealed that US consumers are increasingly turning towards vegan diets and cruelty-free cosmetics. Research by Chef’s Pencil found that veganism has become more popular than ketogenic diets, which previously topped the rankings for four consecutive years. Two more plant-forward diets — vegetarian and Mediterranean — also made the top ten, according to Google Trends data from 2022. However, there are wide discrepancies between regions, with veganism most popular in coastal states and keto diets still in the lead in many inland areas. The most vegan-friendly states are Oregon, Hawaii, New York, New Jersey, and California. Demand for vegan cosmetics Meanwhile, a survey by The Vegan Society has examined demand for ethical cosmetics in the US, along with consumers’ understanding of the …


vegan leather cars in a porsche

© Porsche


Rising Trend Towards Vegan Friendly Cars

“There is not a completely vegan car on the market,” the Vegan Society says in its Vegan Vehicles: The Future of Cars Report 2022. However, car manufacturers have been offering non-leather interiors for a while, with many pledging to use alternative materials in their new and existing models in coming years.  Animal leather has traditionally been the standard option for premium car seats and interiors, but current luxury trends do not involve the slaughter of animals. Demand for alternative materials is making the automobile industry incorporate more vegan options for its models, adding to the rise in the global synthetic leather market which is on track to reach $67.2 billion by 2030, according to Straits Research. Growing trend towards animal-free interiors In 2020, PETA published its …



© Vegan Business Tribe

Fairs & Events

Vegan Business Tribe Live Event Coming to VegfestUK in November

VegfestUK London, the biggest vegan consumer expo in the UK, will host what it claims to be the first vegan business conference featuring only speakers from businesses run and founded by vegans. The conference, sponsored by Vegan Accountants, will be part of the weekend-long event coming to the London Olympia on the 12th and 13th of November. Vegan Business Tribe (VBT) will be organising the vegan business conference under the Vegan Business Tribe Live stage; a programme of live events, panels, workshops, and networking dedicated to vegan businesses. The event welcomes attendees to “come and learn from some of the top vegan business entrepreneurs and founders who will share their expertise to help you grow a successful vegan business.” In 2020, vegan industry experts David …


Animal-Free Dairy Milk

© Bored Cow

Milk- and Dairy Alternatives

The Vegan Society and ProVeg Call for Plant-Based Milks For Children on World School Milk Day

To coincide with yesterday’s World School Milk Day, The Vegan Society and ProVeg International are pushing for plant-based milk to be offered to children in schools. World School Milk Day, which was established 22 years ago, is customarily associated with dairy milk, but given that 68% of the world’s population is lactose intolerant and that many people have a cow’s milk allergy, it should come as no surprise that more and more nations are promoting plant-based milk as a dairy substitute. “Plant-based milk offers those with intolerance or dairy milk allergies a much greater choice at school mealtimes and there is a growing array of nutritious plant-based milk to choose from. These milk also offer greater choice to young people who want animal-friendly drinks as …


Plant-based meats

© Herblabism

Company News

Herblabism Becomes Member of Plant-Based Food Alliance UK

British alt meat startup Herblabism announces it is joining the Plant-based Food Alliance UK (PFA UK) as a full member.  Herblabism is a B2B meat-free company that supplies its products to major sporting, entertainment, and conference venues. As reported by vegconomist, the startup recently signed a deal with Levy UK+I, a caterer for sports stadiums such as Wembley, Aston Villa, and Chelsea F.C., as well as entertainment venues including the O2 Arena. At the COP26 Summit in Glasgow, Levy UK+I served Herblabism’s mushroom burgers and plant-based sausages. The startup says it plans to launch its products on its website for consumers to buy DTC. Marisa Heath, CEO of Plant-based Food Alliance UK, commented on the announcement: “The Alliance is so delighted to welcome Herblabism as …


Terry's Chocolate Orange Plant Based Bar

© Terry's Chocolate Orange

Sweets & Snacks

Terry’s Chocolate Orange Launches Vegan Society-Certified Plant-Based Bar

UK brand Terry’s Chocolate Orange has launched a plant-based version of its popular milk chocolate bar. The bar has been certified by The Vegan Society, confirming that the ingredients and production process are free of animal exploitation. It also comes in fully recyclable packaging. After conducting extensive R&D to get the closest possible taste to the original bar, Terry’s settled on rice syrup as a replacement for dairy. Real orange oil gives the chocolate the brand’s classic flavour. “We want Terry’s to be accessible to as many people as possible, so launching a plant-based Terry’s bar was a must for us,” said Victoria MacDonald, Brand Manager at Terry’s Chocolate Orange. “We absolutely did not want to compromise on taste, and after months of development, we …


©Clive's Purely Plants

Market & Trends

One in Four UK Consumers Have Now Reduced Animal Product Consumption 

In response to the “new normal”, almost a quarter of UK consumers are cutting down on animal products, according to new research by the Vegan Society. With the Covid-19 pandemic a primary driver, 17% of Brits have actively reduced meat consumption, while 8% have cut back on dairy and/or eggs. The latest research into how shopping and eating habits have changed since the start of the pandemic finds that almost one in four Brits (23%) have minimized their intake of animal products. These figures also include 6% of consumers who have cut back on fish and seafood. Over half (53%) of the reducers revealed they had tried meat alternatives over lockdown, with the majority (78%) stating they would continue to purchase. Pulses and tofu were …
