Let's Plant Meat

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Politics & Law

Thailand Releases Policy Roadmap to Become Global Hub for Plant-Based Proteins

Thailand’s Trade Policy and Strategy Office (TPSO) at the Ministry of Commerce has developed a roadmap to transform the country into a hub for the global plant-based market. The former Ministry of Commerce announced last month that Thailand aims to become a world leader in producing high-protein plant-based ingredients, tapping into the worldwide trend of plant-based diets. The newly appointed Minister, Pichai Naripthaphani, will continue his predecessor’s plans to make the country a leader and accelerate future food exports, including plant proteins such as wheat, sorghum, barley, and corn. From agricultural products to raw materials to food TPSO states that the country must advance in various areas to become a hub. Based on a study of the country’s plant-based food industry to assess its potential, opportunities, …
