Veganz’ 2D Printed Oat Milk Discs Arrive on Organic Grocery Stores Following €10M Investment
The gluten-free organic Mililk oat milk discs are produced by Veganz Group with 2D printers and sold in sheet form. Veganz claims that this form saves 94% packaging waste and 85% weight compared to products in milk cartons. The sustainable product, first revealed last summer, is now available in organic food stores in Germany. The milk alternative is now available under the Veganz Bio Mililk® Oat Barista brand from Terra Naturkost, the organic wholesaler for north-east Germany. Five-litre packs with printed sheets of gluten-free organic oats (grown in Europe) in barista quality are now available at the chain, in addition to its existing availability at REWE. Rapid success The innovative product has been an instant hit among retailers and consumers. Veganz reports that in taste …