elysabeth PBM
Plantbased Business Hour

Titanic Demand, Chickpea Delight and the Need for Speed

Every week, Plant-based Business Expert Elysabeth Alfano breaks down the headlines with her review and analysis.  Here is the rundown from her video for the week ending November 6, 2020. Elysabeth is the founder of Plant Powered Consulting, and Consulting Managing Director, vegconomist, North America.    Chickpea Delight As I look to 2021 trends, I say chickpeas! Look for chickpeas to take center stage because of their high fiber content, high protein content, and-oh bonus!-the aquafaba which is the juice around the chickpeas that is great for upcycling to plant-based butter. Yum! My business bottom line here is look for Israeli companies Innovopro and ChickP to make big waves.  But are those waves big enough to turn the Titanic? Display “Plantbased Business Minute: The Week …
