Benchmark Protein Transition: The Shift to Plant-based in Dutch Supermarkets is Steadily Progressing
Dutch supermarkets are clearly focusing on selling more plant-based and less animal-based food. They are actively experimenting with measures, such as reducing meat portion sizes. However, acceleration is needed to meet their goals of 60% plant-based protein sales by 2030. Meat and dairy products still feature as prominently in promotional flyers as in previous years. This is highlighted in the Protein Transition Benchmark by the think tank Questionmark, conducted with support from World Animal Protection. The benchmark compares the efforts of the seven largest supermarkets in the Netherlands to promote plant-based over animal-based products. Shift to plant-based underway Over the past year, major Dutch supermarkets have set ambitious goals. While these remain largely on paper, they are visibly taking steps to promote plant-based products at …