Rewe vegan superstore interior

© REWE group

Retail & E-Commerce

Benchmark Protein Transition: The Shift to Plant-based in Dutch Supermarkets is Steadily Progressing

Dutch supermarkets are clearly focusing on selling more plant-based and less animal-based food. They are actively experimenting with measures, such as reducing meat portion sizes. However, acceleration is needed to meet their goals of 60% plant-based protein sales by 2030. Meat and dairy products still feature as prominently in promotional flyers as in previous years. This is highlighted in the Protein Transition Benchmark by the think tank Questionmark, conducted with support from World Animal Protection. The benchmark compares the efforts of the seven largest supermarkets in the Netherlands to promote plant-based over animal-based products. Shift to plant-based underway Over the past year, major Dutch supermarkets have set ambitious goals. While these remain largely on paper, they are visibly taking steps to promote plant-based products at …


Whats going on. Thoughtful afro american woman and frustrated european man looking at each other, talking and standing together on blue background.

© brizmaker -

Products & Launches

World Animal Protection Launches Free, AI-Powered Cultivated Meat Chatbot for All Your Questions

The US global animal advocacy organization World Animal Protection and AI software company PubTrawlr announce the launch of the Cultivator. Touted as the first-ever cultivated meat chatbot, the Cultivator provides information and answers questions on the topic to make the technology, which may become more widely available shortly, more accessible to consumers.  The initiative aims to raise awareness and acceptance of cultivated meat as a viable, slaughter-free, and sustainable alternative to regular meat production and industrial animal farming. It also seeks to inspire a kinder, more sustainable future for food and animals. Lindsay Oliver, Executive Director of World Animal Protection US, shared, “The Cultivator is a groundbreaking step toward building a kinder future for animals and our planet. By harnessing the power of AI, we’re …


Report ranks plant-based options at Canadian restaurant chains

© Chipotle Canada

Food Service

Report: Most Top Canadian Restaurant Chains Are Failing to Reduce Meat Consumption

A new report from World Animal Protection, titled Moving the Menu 2024, has found that most major Canadian restaurant chains are failing to offer adequate plant-based options. Additionally, none have set firm commitments to reduce meat consumption. Of the 23 chains ranked in the report, Chipotle came out on top with a B grade, based on its extensive plant-based options and policies promoting the benefits of plant-based eating. Some coffee chains, such as Starbucks and Tim Hortons, received a C but did not rank higher because they charge extra for plant-based milk. Fast food chains McDonald’s, Wendy’s, KFC, and Popeyes all received an F, the lowest possible grade. The report notes that while chains such as McDonald’s, A&W, and Tim Hortons have all trialed plant-based …


Poultry at a factory farm

© hecke71

Agriculture / Agribusiness

Global Organizations Push to End Factory Farming and Present Roadmap for “Just Transition” at Climate Week NYC

The Center for Biological Diversity and World Animal Protection unveiled a white paper yesterday, co-produced with more than 50 contributors, urging the phase-out of industrial animal agriculture to address its impact on climate change, humans, and animals at a panel during Food Day at Climate Week NYC. According to the white paper, the industrial animal production system, including industrial fishing and aquaculture, is fundamentally inequitable, inefficient, and financially flawed. It is a leading driver of climate change, with experts agreeing that global emissions from animal production must decline by 50% by 2030 to meet the Paris Agreement targets. In addition, industrial animal farming is a significant source of animal suffering and one of the greatest threats to biodiversity, contributing to habitat loss, water pollution, and …
