© Yeastup

Investments & Acquisitions

Yeastup Raises €9.47M to Turn Dairy Site Into Facility Upcycling Spent Brewers’ Yeast

Switzerland’s Yeastup, a company that extracts functional ingredients from spent brewers’ yeast using a patented process, has raised CHF 8.9 million (€9.47 million) in Series A funding. The funding will enable Yeastup to repurpose a former Swiss dairy facility into a large-scale production site with the capacity to upcycle over 20,000 tons of spent brewers’ yeast per year. The facility will require limited capital expenditure while benefiting from top-quality equipment. The new site will help to meet the significant demand for Yeastup’s products while serving as a reference site for global scaling efforts. To ensure cost competitiveness, Yeastup has established several strategic partnerships in supply and engineering. Investors that have provided funding to Yeastup include Beyond Impact, Gentian Investments, Newtree Impact, and Angel House. Various …


Yeastup patties in packaging

© Yeastup


FHNW Study: Yeastup Protein Shows Up to 81% Lower Ecological Footprint Than Pea & Beef

A study conducted at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) recently examined the environmental impact of different burger patties and found clear advantages in Yeastup protein, which is upcycled from the beer brewing process. A patty with proteins from brewery surplus yeast was compared with a conventional version made from beef and a vegan patty as a benchmark. The life cycle assessment according to ISO 14040 ff showed that Yeastin® can reduce the environmental footprint of a 113 g burger patty by 74 to 81%, depending on the indicator studied. The research results from the Institute for Ecopreneurship at FHNW show: A vegan burger patty made from Yeastin® protein by Yeastup has an even smaller environmental footprint than one made from pea protein. …
