Plantbased Business Hour

Oatly IPO? Hold On To Your Vegan Bootstraps and Shake Your Plant-based Money Maker

Every week, Plant-based Business Expert Elysabeth Alfano breaks down the headlines with her review and analysis in the Plantbased Business Minute.  Elysabeth is the founder of Plant Powered Consulting, the host of  the Plantbased Business Hour and the Consulting Managing Director, vegconomist, North America.

Kicking off the new year, here is the rundown from her video for the week ending January 8, 2021.

Oatly IPO

In 2020, oat milk sales were up 300%. According to Seeking Alpha’s The Wall Street Breakfast newsletter, sources are telling CNBC that 2021 is the year that Oatly IPOs.  Currently Oprah Winfrey, Natalie Portman and Jay-Z are all investors, along with many others, in Oatly.

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Here’s my business bottom line: Non-vegans and non-plant-based investors are not going to let the opportunity go unnoticed. They’re still kicking themselves for missing the 2019 IPO of Beyond Meat. At the time, it had been the most successful IPO since 2008. Missing the opportunity will not happen again. Get in early here because the Oatly IPO will blow the Beyond Meat IPO away.

Aleph Farms brings cultivated meat to Japan

Cultivated meat company Aleph Farms and Mitsubishi Food Industry Group have signed a Memorandum of Understanding.  Aleph Farms will bring its proven scalable manufacturing platform, Biofarm, and Mitsubishi will be bringing its branding, strength and distribution to put cultivated meat on the Japanese table.

Aleph Farms unveils prototype of first commercial cultivated steak product
©Aleph Farms

My business bottom line here is: start thinking about shifting your investment portfolio to include new foods and new food technologies which will inevitably take root as we shift to a new food supply system.

Great vegan business news to start the year

Lastly, vegconomist magazine reports so many things! Impossible Foods has dropped their prices by 15%. Pret A Manger has gotten rid of the old meatball and has brought in a plant-based meatball; and Chinese fast food chain, Dicos, has gotten rid of chicken eggs and has put in Just Eggs.  Lastly, Green Monday has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Ernst & Young in such that they are going to be asking their employees to go vegan at least once a week.

© Green Monday

My business bottom line here is hold on to your vegan bootstraps and shake your plant-based money maker because the rate of change of plant-based consumption will only grow exponentially from here.

That’s the Plantbased Business Minute.  If you would like a deeper dive into plant-based business, please subscribe to the Plantbased Business Hour wherever you get your podcasts. And if you are a small plant-based business or a large meat and dairy company and you are looking to navigate the plant-based landscape, please reach out to me on LinkedIn. My team and I at Plant Powered Consulting are here to help you with media, marketing, communications strategy and so much more.


Elysabeth Alfano is the founder of Plant Powered Consulting, host of the Plantbased Business Hour and the Consulting Managing Director, vegconomist, North America.

