Silk, America’s leading brand of plant beverages, is currently introducing a plant-based alternative to high-fat whipped cream, the first of its kind on the market, according to the manufacturer. The Danone subsidiary’s new product is now available in retail stores across the US.

According to Silk, the purely vegetable cream alternative has the same cooking properties as the original product made from milk and therefore the same uses. The new product is ketofriendly and free of sugar, gluten and GM ingredients. Silk’s “Heavy Whipping Cream” can be used in the same proportions as normal milk in the kitchen, making it the perfect alternative for refining desserts, sauces, soups and much more
“Silk saw the need for a vegetable-based whipped cream and wanted to create an alternative for those who wanted to incorporate more dairy-free options into their diets,” said David Robinson, Silk’s senior brand manager. “As America’s No. 1 in plant-based beverages, we feel a responsibility to provide consumers with even more innovative plant-based alternatives.”